Louisville Bus Accident Lawyer Near Me

Louisville Bus Accident Lawyer

There are plenty of buses in and around Louisville, and these vehicles provide valuable services to our residents and visitors. However, bus accidents can cause major injuries. At HJV Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyers, we are here to help. Our Louisville bus accident attorneys will fight for your case. Call us at (502) 540-5700.

If you or a loved one have been harmed in a bus incident, we will investigate what happened and work to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

How HJV Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After My Bus Accident in Louisville, KY?

Bus accident cases should only be handled by attorneys with vast experience handling complex personal injury law. The team of Louisville injury lawyers at HJV Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyers is ready to get to work.

  • We have a proven track record of success and have secured billions of dollars in favorable settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients.
  • We are committed to giving every client personalized attention for their case. Our personal injury attorneys are available to answer any questions or concerns a client has related to their case.
  • We handle Louisville bus accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means our clients pay no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for their case. We only collect legal fees after we secure the compensation a client needs.

How Will a Louisville Bus Accident Attorney Help Your Case?

Bus accident, HJV Car accident personal injury lawyers, bus accident lawyers in Louisville near me

Bus accidents can become incredibly complex, and an injury victim will not likely have the legal experience or resources necessary to properly secure the compensation they need. An attorney will be able to obtain all evidence from the crash scene as well as the safety history of the drivers or company involved. Your lawyer will work with medical experts to calculate your losses and then negotiate with all parties involved to secure the compensation you need.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents in Kentucky

The vast majority of bus accidents in Kentucky and throughout the U.S. are preventable. They trace back to human error, such as mistakes made by negligent bus drivers and bus companies. In personal injury law, if someone is negligent, it means he or she did not exercise a reasonable degree of care for the situation, resulting in harm to others. The top causes of bus accidents in Kentucky include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Reckless or aggressive driving
  • Speeding
  • Making unsafe lane changes
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Poor bus maintenance
  • Bus equipment breakdowns
  • Road hazards and defects

All bus drivers have a legal obligation to operate their vehicles with ordinary prudence. They must obey all applicable traffic and safety laws while transporting passengers in Kentucky. If a bus driver, bus company or another party falls short of the expectations of care, this greatly increases the odds of a bus accident.

Who Is Liable for a Bus Accident in Louisville, KY?

Kentucky is a no-fault insurance state. This insurance system means that after most automobile accidents, drivers seek financial benefits from their own insurance companies, regardless of who is at fault. Bus accidents are complicated, however, due to the number of parties involved. If a passenger gets injured, for example, he or she can typically file a claim against the at-fault party. The party that is liable, or financially responsible, for a bus accident in Kentucky could be any of the following:

  • The city or state government
  • A school district
  • A private school
  • The bus owner/operator
  • A private bus company
  • A tour company
  • The bus manufacturer

Where you file your claim after a bus accident depends in part on whether you were a passenger or outside of the bus. If you were another driver, you can handle your claim like any other car accident. If you were a passenger or the bus driver, however, you may be eligible for compensation from the bus company’s insurance policy. If your injuries took place on a government-owned bus, such as a city bus or a public school bus, you may be able to sue the agency. The complicated nature of a bus accident case is why you should consult with an attorney before filing your claim.

Bus accidents can be devastating

Buses are large vehicles that weigh much more than traditional passenger vehicles. This can mean serious injuries occur in a collision. There are various parties that can be harmed in a bus accident (bus passengers, passengers in other vehicles, third-party bystanders).

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Transportation says that there were over 14,000 total buses involved in injury accidents and 232 involved in fatal crashes. These figures include school buses as well as all other buses such as local transport and long-distance travel buses. Thousands of victims were injured and killed in bus accidents in 2019.

It is not uncommon for our Louisville bus accident lawyers to help clients who have sustained the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries/head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries/paralysis
  • Internal organ damage/internal bleeding
  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations or amputations

Each of these injuries can lead to immeasurable pain and suffering for victims. Bus accident injuries can cause tremendous medical bills that put victims and their families in an unstable financial position.

Filing a bus accident claim in Kentucky could reimburse a victim for these bills, among other losses.

What Should I Do After a Bus Accident in Louisville, KY?

If you get involved in a bus accident, you should take certain steps to protect yourself physically and financially. If you can, here’s what to do:

  1. Check yourself and others for injuries. Render aid to anyone who has been injured, if possible.
  2. Make sure someone calls the police to report the bus accident.
  3. Obtain the bus driver and company information, as well as the phone numbers of any eyewitnesses.
  4. If you were driving a vehicle outside of the bus, don’t admit fault for the collision.
  5. Take pictures and videos while you are still at the scene of the accident.
  6. Get medical care immediately for your injuries.
  7. Contact your own car insurance company to report the accident.
  8. Begin the process of filing a bus accident claim by contacting the insurance provider of the entity that owns the bus.
  9. Don’t rush into a fast insurance settlement – initial settlement offers are often too low.
  10. Consult with a Louisville bus accident lawyer to protect your legal rights.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed and confused as a bus accident victim. The sooner you contact one of our attorneys, the sooner you can focus on healing while we take care of the rest of the legal process for you.

What Compensation Can I Recover if I Was Involved in a Bus Accident in Louisville, KY?

Our team will investigate what happened and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to, which can include:

  • All of your bus accident medical expenses
  • Lost income if you cannot work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the bus agency

Contact Our Louisville Bus Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation

If you or someone you care about has been harmed due to a bus accident in Louisville, you need to seek legal assistance today. At Law Office of HJV Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyers, we are here to help you get through this. If you need a Louisville bus accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at (502) 540 5700.

Louisville, KY Auto Repair

  • Burden Car Towings – 120 S 10th St, Louisville, KY 40202, United States
  • Cecil’s Service Center – 447 S 8th St, Louisville, KY 40203, United States
  • Louisville Auto Spring – 530 S 13th St, Louisville, KY 40203, United States
  • Danny’s Transmission Services – 616 York St, Louisville, KY 40203, United States
  • Earl’s Brake & Alignment Services – 839 S 8th St, Louisville, KY 40203, United States

*Disclaimer – we do not endorse these companies or profit from having them listed on our website.

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Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in Louisville, KY

600 W Main St. Ste 200,
Louisville, KY, 40202
(502) 540 5700

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