Underlying Brain Injury Symptoms to Know
Brain injuries can occur in many different types of accidents in Kentucky, from bad falls to car crashes. If you bump or hit your head in an accident, it is important to know how to recognize the potential symptoms of a brain injury. The sooner you are diagnosed with a brain injury, the earlier you can begin treatment and recovery.
Physical Symptoms
A traumatic brain injury refers to damage sustained by the brain or any of its components due to an external source of harm, such as a bump, blow or jolt to the head or brain. A closed head injury means that the brain has bounced around inside of the skull and been injured, while an open head injury refers to something penetrating the skull and brain (such as a bullet).
If someone suffers a brain injury, he or she may notice one or more of the following physical symptoms:
- A headache that won’t go away
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dizziness or fainting
- Trouble balancing
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Dilated pupils
- Seizures or convulsions
- Loss of consciousness
 Every brain injury is unique. A patient may experience one, multiple or none of these physical symptoms. In addition, the physical signs of a traumatic brain injury may not be immediately apparent. A brain injury may not cause enough damage to show signs until hours or even days later. This is why it is important to see a doctor for a potential brain injury as soon as possible, even if you initially feel fine.
Cognitive Symptoms
The brain uses neurotransmitters to generate electrical signals that lead to the formation of thoughts. Certain types of brain injuries can impact or interrupt this process, resulting in cognitive symptoms and challenges. If you notice problems such as brain fog, confusion, disorientation, memory loss, trouble concentrating, difficulty with speech or communication, or trouble with comprehension, it could be a sign of an underlying brain injury. Cognitive challenges often resolve on their own during brain injury recovery. In severe cases, however, a victim may suffer permanent brain damage.
Social or Emotional Symptoms
It is also common for patients to notice social, behavioral and emotional symptoms connected to a brain injury. You may experience changes in your typical responses to stressors, such as sudden outbursts or irritability. You may also notice an altered personality or mood changes. Some brain injury victims have difficulty processing and relaying information, which can impair social communication skills.
Sleep-Related Symptoms
Finally, you may notice disruptions in your sleeping habits. You may feel excessively tired, especially in the beginning. You might also experience restlessness or agitation that makes it difficult to fall asleep. You could find yourself sleeping too much or too little. Having no energy and feeling lethargic, as well as struggling to fall asleep, are all issues that have been associated with traumatic brain injuries.
Your Rights as a Brain Injury Victim in Kentucky
If you or someone you love gets diagnosed with a brain injury after an accident in Kentucky, contact a personal injury attorney at HJV Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyers. Our Louisville brain injury lawyers can review your case for free to let you know if it has merit. If so, you may be able to collect financial compensation for damages suffered because of your brain injury, which may include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call (502) 540-5700 today to speak to an attorney.