Tesla faces lawsuit after Man dies in Car accident while Autopilot was enabled

Car Accidents | May 1, 2018

What happened?

Recently, in March 2018, there was a fatal car accident involving self-driving technology from Tesla. Walter Huang died at the age of 38 after hitting a California highway median while Tesla’s Model X Autopilot was engaged.

Now, Walter’s family is suing Tesla on wrongful death claims saying that the cause of death was Tesla’s negligence and misrepresentation of their product.
In opposition, Tesla wants to blame Walter Huang for not cooperating with the Autopilot feature. However, in an interview , it was discovered that certain features appeared faulty with the Autopilot software during regular commutes, suggesting that the technology may not be ready for the road.

The interview was with the widow, Sevonne Huang. She stated that Walter had told her, prior to the accident, about the issues he was having with the Tesla Model X, the same issues that likely caused the fatal crash. Apparently, Walter would frequently drive on this specific highway, with the Autopilot feature turned on, and told his wife that the Tesla’s Autopilot would veer towards the very same barrier that it would later crash into.
The Tesla’s Autopilot made the decision to switch lanes, steering the car into the highway median, failing to brake as well, causing the car to impact and erupt in flames. While the accident is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety board (NTSB), Walter’s family is taking Tesla to court. Sevonne says the death of her husband never would have happened if the Autopilot feature was not turned on.

Autonomous Driving

Autonomous driving is underway, but may not be advertised correctly and appears not to be ready for the roads as indicated by recent events. Tesla should be liable for Walter’s death as more information is being revealed. Having the right legal advice can go a long way when dealing with the liability of an accident related to new technology, such as self-driving vehicles.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a similar situation please feel free to ask for legal advice from our lawyers at Schachter, Hendy & Johnson. Our Louisville car accident lawyers have decades of expertise claiming benefits for clients who have suffered from automobile accidents and other unfortunate circumstances. Please call us at 859-578-444 or contact us on our website.

If this article sounds similar to a recent experience that you or a loved one have suffered from, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call 859-578-4444 to schedule a free consultation!

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